Identify Your Present And Future Goals With a Fit / Gap Analysis

The Fit / Gap Analysis allows MIG & Co. consultants to identify where a business is currently and where they want to be standing in the future. MIG & Co. will determine what steps need to be taken to achieve those goals which will in turn reduce risk in choosing a solution that will best fit your business needs.

The steps that would be taken to perform the Fit / Gap Analysis include:

  • Introduction Meeting
    Learn about what the management is doing and wants to accomplish
  • System Evaluation
    MIG & Co. Consultants will perform an analysis of your system operations and determine the strengths and weaknesses in relation to standard requirements. Throughout the process, we will identify key business processes.
  • Management Debriefing
    A meeting will then be set up with your management team and other key personnel to review system evaluations and make recommendations for the system. There will also be a review on the projected schedule for the implementation plan.
  • Professional Reporting
    MIG & Co. will prepare a Solution Blueprint, a comprehensive report detailing how the solution will work conceptually and the physical design. Recommendations will also be provided on how to meet the needs for the systems integration, display graphics, user interfaces and many more factors that will drive your business performance.

Benefits of Microsoft ERP Fit/Gap Analysis

At MIG & Co. we want to be sure that the Dynamics online or on-premise solution chosen by you is going to provide a return on investment. This is the primary reason for us to be including it as part of our Dynamics implementation assistance.

  • Framework Assistance
    Fit/Gap analysis provides a framework or a skeleton outline to support the implementation of your Dynamics solutions, especially in the case of Microsoft ERP for small business. This outlines the various steps and details that are involved in the process.
  • Greater Efficiency
    By allowing us to apply Fit/Gap analysis at your organization, you can benefit from greater efficiency where Dynamics data migration is concerned. Our goal is to identify the inherent problems that lead to inefficiency and successfully implement solutions like, Microsoft Dynamics general ledger that would help in making your system more efficient and effective.

Below is a sample Fit / Gap Analysis:

fit-20gap Fit / Gap Analysis

building Fit / Gap Analysis

Want to know where your Business is currently at?

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