Receivable Functionality for Microsoft Dynamics GP (Great Plains)

The Receivables Management module in Microsoft Dynamics GP enables you to automate processes for invoices, receipts, finance charges, and statements. You can analyze customer activity, and set up and maintain customer records including credit limit, contact names, aging balances, and much more. Manage sales made on accounts more effectively while lowering your overhead costs.

Save time and lower administrative costs with automated receipt processing and posting, as well as personalized statement cycles that fit your customers and business. You can automate customer installment payments by creating schedules, calculating interest, amortizing amounts, and forecasting the impact of variable interest rates, payment amounts, and installment charges.

Receivables Management can help you improve customer service, and thereby increase customer retention, with customized customer information, history, and notes that are easy to open up when working with a customer. User-defined fields enable you to track the customer information you want to improve both sales and customer service.

You can manage your sales process more effectively with tools to measure trends and analyze performance with comprehensive customer tracking, along with sales tracking by person or territory. Receivables tracking for each salesperson or territory includes commissions, commissioned sales, noncommissioned sales, and cost of sales for the year to date.

Streamline your revenue allocation. Automatically managed calculations and journal entries can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business, simplifying the task of deferring revenues over multiple periods.

Receivables Management for Dynamics GP delivers quick access to the information you need to make more effective business decisions. The reporting capabilities are comprehensive, and the customer account and sales performance tracking capabilities are straightforward and easy to use.

About MIG & Co.

MIG & Co. specializes in implementing and supporting industry leading financial and business software that offer the lowest total cost of ownership. Since 1998, our company’s passion is to empower organizations to automate business processes and maximize productivity.

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