Advanced Project Management Tools for Microsoft Dynamics SL

Microsoft Dynamics SL delivers project-focused accounting and business management software for project-driven companies. The base project management functionality found in the Business Essentials edition of Microsoft Dynamics SL is all the project management most organizations will need, but if you are looking for unique, specialized, or advanced project management tools, Microsoft Dynamics SL also offers a number of specialized project management solutions. The following project management modules come with the Advanced Management edition of Microsoft Dynamics SL:

  • Project Controller
  • Project Allocator
  • Analyzer
  • Flexible Billings

Project Controller gives your project managers the accurate, real-time information they need to take control of revenue and expenses, so they can make even low-margin projects turn a profit. Project Allocator enables you to create flexible, multi-tiered hierarchies to reflect the spectrum of labor rates and billing structures you require. It then automatically allocates charges and revenues, accounts for work-in-progress, transfers or consolidates transactions, and records accurate data for billing and posting to the general ledger.

Analyzer delivers easy access to comprehensive project performance and profitability data. The Flexible Billings module streamlines invoicing with automatic generation, formatting, and submission of drafts for approval.

Furthermore, the following project management modules are available a la carte with the Advanced Management edition of Microsoft Dynamics SL:

  • Contract Management
  • Project Budgeting
  • Time and Expense for Projects
  • Employee Utilization
  • Communicator
  • Microsoft Project Connector

Contract Management streamlines time-consuming contract management tasks for even the most complex projects. Project Budgeting provides powerful budgeting tools. Time and Expense for Projects helps you better manage labor, project, and travel-related expenses.

Employee Utilization helps you track personnel availability, billable time, revenues, and the realization of your established utilization goals. Communicator gives you automated alerts to keep you informed of pending deadlines, required approvals, escalating costs, and eroding margins. Microsoft Project Connector is for integrating with Microsoft Project.

About MIG & Co.

MIG & Co. specializes in implementing and supporting industry leading financial and business software that offer the lowest total cost of ownership. Since 1998, our company’s passion is to empower organizations to automate business processes and maximize productivity.

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