Setting Up the Accounts Receivable Module For Microsoft Dynamics SL

Like the other business management tools in Microsoft Dynamics SL, the Accounts Receivable module is easy to set up and easy to use. When you open the AR Setup window, the first two tabs, Invoice Accounts and Payment Accounts, have some fields that cannot be changed: the Discount and Finance account fields on the Invoice Accounts tab and the NSF field on the Payment Accounts tab. The other fields can be edited if needed.

The third tab is GL Options. Here you can determine how the data will flow to the General Ledger: in summary or in detail. You can also select the current period, which might not be the same period as the General Ledger. Furthermore, you can select the number of years to retain history, the number of periods to retain detail, and the number of periods that will be used to determine the average days to pay.

The Customer Defaults tab is where you determine what default things will be set up for a new customer. This can help make the process of setting up a new customer much faster. You can make a number of automation selections here. You can also select whether to sort payment application by document type, reference number, or due date.

The next tab is Finance Charge Setup. If you are going to have financial charges for your customers, this is where you set them up. Select the annual finance charge percentage, the minimum finance charge, whether to compound finance charges, and how to apply finance charges.

The last tab is Other Options. There are a number of options you can select here, such as automated reference numbering, default transaction description information, and how you want to check credit. You can also set up the decimal places used for quantities and prices.

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