Using the Financial Tools in Microsoft Dynamics SL (Solomon) Part 2

In our last entry, we were discussing what it is like to use the financial tools in Microsoft Dynamics SL, focusing on how batches are posted to the General Ledger. Let’s take a look at that in a little more detail.

Each batch has a status that is displayed wherever a batch is listed or open for viewing/modifying. Here are the possible statuses that you will see:

  • On Hold: The batch has not been released (perhaps it has been started, but not finished, or perhaps the employee who entered the data does not have access rights to release a batch).
  • Balanced: The batch is ready for release (the credits and the debits match).
  • Void: The batch has been voided.
  • Unposted: The batch has been released, but it has not been posted to the General Ledger (you can set up the system so that released batches are automatically posted).
  • Posted: The batch has been released and posted to the General Ledger, and the GL account tables have been updated.

The status for a batch depends on what you do with it after you have entered the relevant transaction data. You can select the following “Handling” actions for a batch:

  • Hold: The batch is put into “On Hold” status.
  • No Action: Leaves the batch in the current status.
  • Release Later: The batch is put into “Balanced” status.
  • Release Now: Release the batch for posting (if you have set up the system to automatically post the batch, its status will become “Posted.” Otherwise, its status will become “Unposted”).

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MIG & Co. specializes in implementing and supporting industry leading financial and business software that offer the lowest total cost of ownership. Since 1998, our company’s passion is to empower organizations to automate business processes and maximize productivity.

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