How to Submit Your User Feedback for Microsoft Dynamics SL (Solomon)

blog-sl-submit-feedback-350x234 How to Submit Your User Feedback for Microsoft Dynamics SL (Solomon)When Microsoft updates and improves Microsoft Dynamics SL, the project-focused business management solution for project-driven organizations, where do all their great ideas come from? Well, most of them come from customers and users of Microsoft Dynamics SL. Feature requests that are the most popular get the most attention: it’s democracy in action! So how do you go about submitting feedback on Microsoft Dynamics SL?

Feedback is submitted through Microsoft Connect. To submit a suggestion, you must be a member of the Microsoft Dynamics Suggestion Program within Microsoft Connect. Then you can sign in with a free Windows Live ID.

When you are a member, before you make a suggestion, you should search to see whether or not another person has already entered a sufficiently similar suggestion. If a similar suggestion does exist, simply use the voting mechanism to agree that this proposed feature should be developed. If no one has put forth your suggestion, then here is how to submit it:

Go to Microsoft Connect’s Product Feedback page, then select the Microsoft Dynamics SL link. Click on the Feedback menu item, then click the Submit Feedback button. Click the down arrow in the drop-down box, and select Microsoft Dynamics SL. Now you can enter your suggestion, much as you would fill out an email, but with more options below. You can make the suggestion “Public,” so everyone can see it, or “Private,” so it is visible only to Microsoft.

When selecting a product version, at this time it only lets you select Microsoft Dynamics SL 2011, and not Microsoft Dynamics SL 2015. This will be fixed soon, but in the meantime, select Unknown, then note the version in the body of your suggestion.

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